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Gen Z + The Future Of Health — Three Things Marketers Need To Know
Gen Z is here and they’re about to disrupt every notion we know about health and healthcare. In Forbes, Hamid Ghanadan breaks down three major themes from our ongoing study on Gen Z and the future of health.
How Marketers Can Leverage AI (Better) In Advertising
AI (or machine learning) is changing advertising. In fact, i'’s even writing ads today. Forbes asked it’s agency panel: What are some lesser-used ways marketers can leverage machine learning advertising tools for their benefit?
Storytelling Tips for B2B Marketers
Storytelling is not just for B2C marketers. Founder Hamid Ghanadan shares how B2B marketers can employ it for the power of their organizations, too.
B2B Marketers: Prepping For The Future Of Marketing? Consider These 3 Ideas
In our annual State of Marketing report, we learned some invaluable insights in what the future of B2B marketing could look like. For Forbes, Founder Hamid Ghanadan shares three big ideas that marketers can begin to invest in their digital marketing infrastructure.
How To Appeal To Your Customers With Creative Messaging
Forbes asked twelve of their agency-panel experts: What messaging tactics do you use to raise your brand’s profile and drive rapid growth?
Here's How Marketers Can Leverage Heuristics To Influence Change
Want to be really good at content marketing? Founder Hamid Ghanadan shares a key tip to really start a dialogue with your digital audience.
Why Success In B2B Depends On Persuasion
In his first article for Forbes, Founder Hamid Ghanadan shares three steps to persuade a technical audience.