Special Reports
Our in-depth investigative reports spanning topics across life science, health, and wellness industries.
Health 2035: A Bold Path Through the Uncharted Future of Health
If leaders in the healthcare ecosystem want to make real progress, they need to acknowledge that the reality of today’s healthcare does not align with the intentions of those who will make the biggest impact: tomorrow’s physicians.
In collaboration with HSBC and HLTH, this year-long initiative is Informed by the perspective from young physicians, and shaped by conversations with visionaries in the healthcare ecosystem, Health 2035 makes bold predictions for the future of health that go beyond embedded assumptions.
The LINUS Digital Health Lab: An Immersion into Health Tech and Consumer Behavior
Over the course of a cumulative 2,000+ days, the LINUS team immersed in the experiences of 10 different types of digital health technologies — from wearables, to at-home diagnostics, to applications.
In our study, we developed three pillars fundamental to building a relationship with consumers who turn to digital health to optimize their health.
Home is the Center of Health.
Today, home is more than a home. It’s our doctor’s office, our diagnostics lab, our long-term care center. We surveyed 1,000+ adults between the ages of 60-79 If home is the primary way we deliver care to this population, how can companies step up to support this new reality? This report includes data from our study, as well as three insight-driven innovation territories to consider as we design for a future where home is the center of health.
Gen Z is the Future of Health. Still.
A lot has changed in a year and yet one thing hasn’t. Gen Z is still signaling the way we do, see, and talk about health — a position that is only fueled by a global pandemic.
And yet, 70% of Gen Zers describe their current state as healthy. Looking back at our previous report pre-pandemic, this is only a 2% decrease, demonstrating that this generation is relentlessly healthy despite having experienced one of the biggest pandemics in our history — one that will certainly shape their view on health in the future.
Gen Z + The Future of Health
Gen Z is entering the workforce, and they’re going to hit the ground running. Whether they’ll be your next customer, employee or user, you’ll need to know how to connect with them right away. Our industry is still playing catch-up with millennials’ demands and trends that were merely placated by ping pong tables and open-office concepts. Needless to say, we weren’t ready. So how can you and your organization prepare? We’re going to tell you what it takes to connect to them, sell to them, and lead them. Are you ready?
Future Forward: A Special Report on Preparing for the Next Normal
This report includes the results from the latest tranche of data (taken from May 19-25) of our longitudinal study of the life science community during the Coronavirus outbreak. This report explores what future implications we can expect as we surge forward into the Next Normal, as well as overall sentiment, long-lasting change they are anticipating and what innovation they hope to initiate after their initial transition to the office or lab.
Major Updates on Scientific Progress Amidst a Global Pandemic
This report includes the results from our longitudinal study (March 13-April 10, 2020) of nearly 2,000 respondents in the life science community during the Coronavirus outbreak. Our synthesis explores how the life science community is reacting to this disruption, the estimated long-term effects on scientific research, the perceived length and depth of the disruption, and the overall sentiment felt across the industry.
An Initial Baseline: How Scientific Research Progresses Amidst a Global Pandemic
We surveyed 350 scientists, researchers, directors and other professionals within scientific institutions and companies to better understand how the community is impacted in the early phases (March 13-20, 2020) of the Coronavirus pandemic outbreak.